Bharathi Vidyalaya Samacheer,CBSE Gobichettipalayam

Students are expected to be present in the prescribed uniform which is to be clean and tidy.
English is a language of communication hence all students are required to speak in English inside the school campus.
Student are to be present in school before the firstbell.
Students should assemble class wise for the morning prayer.
Students are expected to queue up wherever they go within the school campus.
When a teacher enters the class it is the duty of the students to wish the teacher "Good Morning" "Vanakkam" or "Namaste".
Avoid bringing bad name to the institutions by your deeds and actions.
Keep the classroom and the surrounding clean.
Incase there is any incomplete work students must stay back and complete the work.
During school hours students are not supposed to meet their parents or go out of the school campus.
Leave letter should be provided in case of absence.
Students suffering from Infectious diseases are not supposed to come to school.
Students are expected to trim their nails regularly.
Wearing of precious ornaments is prohibited and the school cannot be held responsible in case it is lost.
Scribling on Desk, Table, Wall, Black board, etc is strictly against rules.
As per our culture, students ought to show due respect to the Principal and teachers in and outside the school campus.